Regular Series Medicine and the Law Retention of Guthrie cards: reassuring parents Loane Skene, Agnes Bankier, Paul Nisselle MedicineToday February 2004 2004; 5(2): 68-71
Regular Series Medicine and the Law Withdrawal of artificial feeding from a dying patient Loane Skene, Paul Nisselle MedicineToday December 2003 2003; 4(12): 53-55
Regular Series Medicine and the Law Damages for raising an unplanned but healthy child Loane Skene, Paul Nisselle MedicineToday October 2003 2003; 4(10): 71-73
Regular Series Medicine and the Law Can civil disobedience change the law on asisting suicide? Loane Skene, Paul Nisselle MedicineToday August 2003 2003; 4(8): 69-71
Regular Series Forum Should doctors treat their family, their friends and themselves? Andrew Dix MedicineToday May 2003 2003; 4(5): 128-129
Regular Series Forum Ins and outs of the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme John Bennett, Paul P Glasziou MedicineToday March 2003 2003; 4(3): 105-110
Regular Series Medicine and the Law End of life decisions: killing and letting die Loane Skene, Paul Nisselle MedicineToday February 2003 2003; 4(2): 67-70
Regular Series Medicine and the Law Could parental refusal of newborn screening be overridden by a court? Loane Skene, Paul Nisselle MedicineToday January 2003 2003; 4(1): 60-62
Regular Series Medicine and the Law Is a patient’s consent needed to test for an infectious disease? Loane Skene, Paul Nisselle MedicineToday August 2002 2002; 3(8): 64-67
Regular Series Medicine and the Law More on the ‘medical indemnity crisis’: a lawyer answers some questions from GPs Loane Skene, Paul Nisselle MedicineToday July 2002 2002; 3(7): 71-74
Regular Series Medicine and the Law The medical indemnity crisis: a lawyer’s perspective Loane Skene, Paul Nisselle MedicineToday June 2002 2002; 3(6): 77-80
Regular Series Forum Patients’ autonomy: does doctor know best? Merrilyn Walton MedicineToday June 2002 2002; 3(6): 107-109
Regular Series Medicine and the Law Selling human organs and tissue Loane Skene, Paul Nisselle MedicineToday May 2002 2002; 3(5): 71-74
Regular Series Medicine and the Law Sterilisation of minors: potential liability of doctors Loane Skene, Paul Nisselle MedicineToday March 2002 2002; 3(3): 61-63
Regular Series Medicine and the Law Developments in abortion law Loane Skene, Paul Nisselle MedicineToday February 2002 2002; 3(2): 59-61
Regular Series Medicine and the Law Use of extracted teeth in research Loane Skene, Paul Nisselle MedicineToday January 2002 2002; 3(1): 55-57
Regular Series Medicine and the Law Legal aspects of caring for dying newborn infants Loane Skene, Paul Nisselle MedicineToday December 2001 2001; 2(12): 59-61
Regular Series Medicine and the Law Informed consent: where do doctors and lawyers get their information? Loane Skene, Paul Nisselle MedicineToday November 2001 2001; 2(11): 71-75
Regular Series Medicine and the Law High court warns of the ‘retroscope’ in informed consent cases: Rosenberg v. Percival Loane Skene, Paul Nisselle MedicineToday October 2001 2001; 2(10): 79-82
Regular Series Medicine and the Law Should we limit the conditions for which genetic tests are permitted? Loane Skene, Paul Nisselle MedicineToday September 2001 2001; 2(9): 95-96
Regular Series Medicine and the Law More on doctors’ duties in prescribing on the internet Loane Skene, Malcolm Parker, Paul Nisselle MedicineToday September 2001 2001; 2(9): 98-99
Regular Series Medicine and the Law Increasing the organ transplant rate: some recent UK initiatives Loane Skene, Paul Nisselle MedicineToday August 2001 2001; 2(8): 103-106
Regular Series Medicine and the Law Doctors’ duties in prescribing on the internet Loane Skene, Malcolm Parker, Paul Nisselle MedicineToday July 2001 2001; 2(7): 109-112
Regular Series Medicine and the Law Testing a fetus for Huntington’s disease: is the mother’s consent enough? Loane Skene, Paul Nisselle MedicineToday June 2001 2001; 2(6): 105-107
Regular Series Medicine and the Law Patient confidentiality and disciplinary or quality assurance inquiries Loane Skene, Paul Nisselle MedicineToday May 2001 2001; 2(5): 103-105